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Full example: an URL shortener

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A RedBarrel-based application is composed of:

  • a RBR file: a text file that contains a description of the application.
  • a Python package containing the code that’s going to be executed

Creating a project

To create the initial structure, create an empty directory and run the rbr-quickstart command. It will create for you an example sample RBR file and a Python package containing the code used by the example – a simple hello world.

The script will ask you a few questions

$ rbr-quickstart
Name of the project: Hello World !
Description: A simple app
Version [1.0]:
Home page of the project:
Author: Tarek
Author e-mail:
App generated. Run your app with "rbr-run shortme.rbr"

Once the files are generated, run your application using rbr-run:

$ bin/rbr-run hello-wo.rbr
Generating the Web App...
=> 'hello' hooked for '/'

Serving on port 8000...

Then, visit http://localhost:8000/__doc__. You should see the documentation page of your application.

Adding web services

Adding a web service consists of describing it in the RBR file (see RBR specification), then adding the required code for every pre- or post- step, or for the service itself.

A possible convention is to add one Python module per service, and eventually group all pre- and post- functions in an module.

Check out a full example at Full example: an URL shortener .